The Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library collection is Rights Managed (RM). RM images/texts are licensed for specific predefined uses according to your own requirements. IMAGES AND TEXTS ARE NOT LICENSED IN PERPETUITY. Licensing fees are determined by several factors such as the usage, industry, duration, media, circulation and geographic distribution. The use of RM images ensures there is limited usage of the image. Exclusive rights can also be negotiated for specific images.
All images purchased through Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library are offered on an individual license basis – sometimes referred to as Rights Managed (RM) Licensing (see above). Image copyright is always retained by the photographer. Licenses serve to protect the rights of the photographer, Jono David, the licensee and even the subject matter of the images. Rights managed licensing has advantages for the licensee as it can be used to limit the use of a particular image, even allowing the use to be licensed exclusively, which effectively embargoes the use of the same image within the requested media.
– IMAGES: When an image is licensed from Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library, the usage is specified on the invoice and cannot be used for any other purpose without further agreement by Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. The license will state the media use, language rights (usually English), and the territories for the usage.
– TEXTS: Texts cannot be translated into other languages for publication without the prior expressed written consent of Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library.
A fee is generally payable to license any rights managed image. The fee grants the user usage of the image/text as agreed in the order. THE FEE DOES NOT GRANT THE USER USAGE OF IMAGES/TEXTS IN PERPETUITY. The fee is based on how the image is going to be used. This will be calculated by such factors as the print run, media, the reproduction size, and territory distribution and whether the requested use is exclusive or non-exclusive. Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Librarycalculate this fee by relying in good faith on the information provided by the licensee. Incorrect information can lead to a surcharge on the originally agreed fee or cancellation of the license.
Licensed images from Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library must not be altered, cropped, or manipulated in any form (including de/colorization) without written permission from Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Permission for alterations must be requested before the image is reproduced as this may affect the terms of the license and result in an additional charge on top of any originally agreed usage fee.
All images, when appropriate, must be reproduced with or in the spirit of any accompanying caption. For example, an image of a tired, snoozing firefighter must read, “An exhausted firefighter,” not, “A lazy firefighter.”
The photographer (Jono David) should be credited with any reproduction of their work. The credit line should read “Photo © Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library” or “Photograph © Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library” or “Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library”. The preferable location for this credit line is immediately adjacent to the image or in the appropriate acknowledgments or credits section. Photo credit could alternatively be placed in the byline, to read “Photograph(s) by Jono David” or “Photo(s) by Jono David” or “Image(s) by Jono David”.
The writer (Jono David) should be credited with any reproduction of their work. The byline should read “text by Jono David” or “written by Jono David” or “story by Jono David” or “article by Jono David”. The preferable location for this byline is at the head of the article, generally following the title.
Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library always requests, where possible, at least two copies of any publication featuring an image or text reproduction upon publication.
Unless specified by Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library, there are no formally written MR nor PR releases or other releases for any images on www.JewishPhotoLibrary.com. However, permission was provided verbally (and/or via email) by leaders from all respective communities in the library. Verbal (and/or email) agreement is tantamount to formal MR and PR approval, i.e. MR and PR releases. Please inquire for specific details at CONTACT.
Photographs and texts from Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library are works of a documentary nature, whereby the photographer/writer is documenting the world around him. This style of photography/text does not lend itself to the obtaining of MR, PR, nor other releases. The licensee is responsible for clearing all necessary permissions from third parties, be they people, buildings, art, animals, which may include trademarks, personality rights, property rights, fine art rights, etc. The licensee shall indemnify and hold Jono David harmless against any and all claims, liability, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out of the use of any image for which:
(a) no release was furnished by Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library in writing
(b) the use of any image exceeds the scope of the release provided by Jono David/HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library
Infringement of copyright shall be subject to legal action. Jono David/HHJPL shall reserve the right to impose the maximum image license fees listed on this website + transaction fees + legal fees. Jono David/HHJPL, at his discretion, shall reserve the right to impose fees at any rate in the event of copyright infringement above those publicly listed on this website. Copyright infringement is a serious violation of international law. Jono David/HHJPL takes copyright infringement seriously. Licensees who violate the Terms and Conditions of said license shall be deemed an act of infringement of copyright. NO THIRD-PARY USAGE is permitted under any circumstance, either by a licensee nor by any community nor individual to whom images have been provided free of charge in return for photographic permission granted to Jono David/HHJPL. Third-party usage requires image license fees to be paid by the THIRD PARTY. Distribution of Jono David/HHJPL images to a THIRD-PARTY shall be deemed copyright infringement by the distributor of the image(s) and/or the THIRD-PARTY. In the case that a community or an individual provides Jono David/HHJPL images to a third-party and misrepresents Jono David/HHJPL images as their own or that of another organization or individual shall be deemed willful infringement of copyright.